First Presbyterian Church                                                                                                     2003 OUT-DOOR FLEA MARKET CONTRACT

Moonachie Road & Carol Place

Moonachie, New Jersey  07074


DATE:  May 10, 2003  (RAIN-DATE  MAY 17, 2003)         Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 :PM         SET-UP TIME: Saturday by 8:00 AM


AISLE SPACE                       $20.00  per 10 ft.  X  8-ft. space                       TAILGATE SPACE                $25.00  per 10-ft. X 15- ft.  space     


CHURCH TABLE RENTAL (Add’l charge per table)  $10.00        (Tables are limited and assigned on a first come/contract rec’d  basis)


The undersigned exhibitor hereby agrees to reserve space at the OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET and exhibitor hereby agrees to pay a non-refundable rental fee for said space in the amount stipulated for the dated specified below.  Said fees are due and payable at least two (2) weeks in advance of market date.  Four (4) weeks for REQUESTED spaces.


(# AISLE  SPACES)  __________ @ $20.00   plus (# TABLE RENTALS) __________ @ $10.00   = TOTAL SPACE FEE DUE  $____________

(# TAILGATE SPACE ) __________  @ $25.00 plus (# TABLE RENTALS) __________@ $10.00 = TOTAL SPACE FEE DUE $_____________                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

The undersigned exhibitor hereby agrees to comply with all Municipal, State and Federal requirements if any. In connection with all sales made during the FLEA MARKET.  In addition, the undersigned exhibitor agrees to and does waive any and all claims against the Church for damages arising out of injury and/or loss, property damage sustained by the undersigned exhibitor, his associates and/or employees, due to fire, theft or any other causes of whatever nature.  The undersigned exhibitor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH against any and all claims for personal injuries and/or property damage sustained by any third party or person, which claim, arises out of and/or during undersigned exhibitor’s use of his reserved space.  The undersigned exhibitor hereby agrees NOT to sell any type of food of ANY KIND, firearms (knives, guns, ammunition, snaps, etc.), and pornographic materials or hold a private raffle. .  If exhibitor desires a chair, a $10.00 deposit is required for each chair; said deposit to be refunded when chair is returned at close of FLEA MARKET. 


WEATHER CONDITIONS: When FLEA MARKET is open until 12 noon, it is a stated day and NO REFUND will be allowed: no raindate will be used.  If conditions do not allow the rain date to be utilized, the FLEA MARKET will be postponed to the following consecutive Saturday.  The Church agrees to publicize the OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET by advertisement and posters.


The undersigned exhibitor agrees to be responsible for cleaning up their reserved space by gathering up and removing any trash and refuse in their said areas at the conclusion of the FLEA MARKET.  Due to ecology-removal laws in Moonachie, it is IMPERATIVE that YOU take home any excess “things” you do not want.  We can no longer have excess trash; therefore, if you have been found to be leaving your unwanted goods behind, you will not be allowed to sell at any future markets.  Vendors MUST remain within their assigned space, otherwise you will be charged for an additional space.


If you are requesting a certain spot, you MUST HAVE YOUR DEPOSIT IN EARLY!  Spaces are reserved on a first come, first serviced basis!


EXHIBITOR’S NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________________


PHONE NUMBER: ___________________________


EXHIBITOR’S E-MAIL ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


______________________________________________________________________________________ZIP CODE: ________________


TYPE OF MERCHANDISE FOR SALE: _____________________________________________________________________________________________


DATE: ____________________________


EXHIBITOR’S SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________________________






Mrs. Irene Hagens          18 Jackson Place          Moonachie, NJ  07074                     


For the September market, please fill out completely and sign the contract indicated for that market and return with your deposit.   Please make check payable to THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF MOONACHIE.  For any additional information, please contact Julia McDonough at 201/438-1107 after 5 p.m. or e-mail at:


2003 Flea Market Committee:

Irene Hagens, Julia McDonough, Donald Coe, Janet Jones, Lorraine & Bob Peiper, Claire Quinzer, Jim Frandsen